Implementation | Tally Tact
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Tally ERP is a platform best suited for Manufacturing. Tally forms the foundation on which all our enterprise solutions, products, and services are built and delivered. The system has been designed utilizing the full power of Tally. Hence it inherits the simplicity, flexibility & scalability of the Platform.


You can deploy it in a decentralized mode in individual factory units & synchronize data to head office OR have a centralized server with user’s logging in from various locations. It integrates all the departments of a Manufacturing organization & has a seamless workflow between them.


Our Manufacturing ERP Solution gives an illustration of our extensive experience in delivering comprehensive solutions and services, to empower every aspect of business operations of the Manufacturing Organization. By deploying this solution, you can effectively streamline and integrate your business processes, optimize the entire supply chain, and quickly identify customer needs, eventually contributing to an improved bottom line.

We have successfully implemented ERP for Manufacturing Industries like Engineering, Chemicals and Bulk drugs, Pharmaceuticals, etc.


Procurement & Material Management

With eSUITE, Make your procurement cycle effective & maintain excellent vendor relations.

Material Requirement Plan
An integral part of eSUITE, works out Production and Purchase Requirement based on Bill of Materials of Finished & Semi-finished Goods, with due consideration to pending purchase orders, Cycle stocks, Minimum stocks.

Multiple Deployment Architecture
With Tally as a framework, decide on any type of architecture: Centralized, Decentralized or Hybrid. The design depends on the number of locations, distance, connectivity, trained manpower availability etc.


Security, Controls & Authorizations
eSUITE ERP allows to create user & allocate access rights for different functional areas (say stores, accounts etc) & of different levels (store keeper, Manager etc).

Tally Payroll
Tally.ERP 9 is capable of handling simple Pay slip generation in five easy steps to complex associated processes - including handling Loans and Advances, Salary revision and Arrear calculation, Deductions and ad-hoc payments etc.


Statutory Compliances
TALLYTACT implements all default Statutory Compliances of Tally.ERP 9 such as Direct Taxes, Indirect Taxes, Payroll Statutory Reports without any modification.


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